Several firsts for my girls: first international competition, first Junior World Class level skating, first time doing Style Dance, and first time traveling without us, since I am still recovering after the surgery. That means no photos, and videos are screengrabbed from the official stream, which sucked big time. I don’t want to miss their meets ever again, that stream was a real shame. On the other hand, we should be grateful even for that: they kept having technical issues, so there was a chance to end up with no video at all.
Girls skated Style Dance and Free Dance, which are parts of the same event. Besides, they skated quartet together with Isa and Caroline. Competition was much stronger than at Nationals: there were large teams from Brazil, Spain, Chile etc, and those girls were fantastic, so American skaters tended to group up at the bottom of the final results tables. Liza ended up with the 8th place, Annie got 9th. For quartet they got gold, since they were the only Youth Quartet competing.
Coaches are pretty happy with the results. Jim says both girls are “ahead of schedule”. As for me, I am proud as hell: I never cared about tech points or medals, I just wanted them to dance, and boy can they dance.
Annie: Style Dance | Free Dance
Liza: Style Dance | Free Dance
UPD: Annie asked not to publish her Style Dance routine. She is really unhappy with it, although I am not sure why. Looked pretty good to me.