Myrtle Beach
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Just returned from South Carolina. Well, it WAS worth it. The ocean was HOT. Temperature-wise, I mean. Not even warm, but hot. It's a shame I don't enjoy splashing in hot salty waves anymore. Ladies had a really good time though.
The Diet Starts Today
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After some serious research and thorough consideration, our family is switching to the Macrobiotic diet, which is supposed to be anti-inflammatory (among other things it can allegedly do). The reason for this self-inflicted atrocity is Annie's arthritis. Not sure how long we will be able to last: the diet comprises mostly carbs and some obviously inedible things like seaweed. Proteins come almost exclusively from soy stuff like tofu or tempeh, and various beans.
Should it work out without driving us all insane, I'd consider it a miracle.
Mackinac Island
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We've visited Mackinac Island many years ago, courtesy of my cousin Boris. Just the two of us, couldn't bring boys along for some reason that I don't even remember. It was 2004, I believe, and photos from 2003 to 2006 are still not posted here. Some day I will do it, I swear.
The island looks and feels the same: the fort, Grand Hotel, fudge stores, even the seagull on Marquette's head, but this time around our entire family had a chance to enjoy it all. Despite being ungodly touristy, it's a unique place with a very special vibe, as Annie put it. Girls loved it, and boys had some good time as well. And so did we. We really need to do things like this more often.
Devil’s Lake
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The day before our departure for Devils Lake Liza decided to get sick: mild usual symptoms and positive COVID test. We considered not going, or going partially - I was to stay home with Liza, and Yelena would go with Annie, - but decided to go as planned. It looked like a good idea to get Liza out into the sun instead of leaving her to marinate at home. Since Isa was supposed to join us, we warned her parents about the positive test, and they didn't mind. Nor did Isa.
After we got to the lake, set up the camp, and hiked to the Devil's Doorway, Liza did get better. Yelena got worse though, and so did Annie. I even had to take Yelena to the hospital in Baraboo; they did the test, treated her dehydration, gave her some pills for nausea, and discharged her with instruction to take lots of fluids and use Tylenol for everything else. "There's not much we can do for Covid, you see." After the hospital Yelena felt so much better that we stayed for another day, and in the end went home on Thursday instead of Friday because of rain. There was no more hiking, but the kids still managed to have fun. I taught them to play Durak, and they enjoyed it. For some reason that game is unknown here. All in all, as Yelena put it, it was the "best way to have Covid."
So we are home now, and both Yelena and Annie are still sick. Hope it will not last long. I also wonder when it is supposed to be my turn; weird how this stuff works.
Eugene and his bike
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Boys decided to stop by; girls got a chance to ride a motorcycle, and they are ecstatic about it. Now I have to worry about them getting bikes too, as if Eugene was not enough. God, I am afraid of these things.
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Just finished restoring the family archive section. There are pages for the Rosenfelds, the Gliks, the Samotyyas, and the Boguslavskys.
Unbelievable. Just two generations back, and there is almost no photos. Few dozens pictures, and that's it. And no information, we never did much of family history. Мy great-grandfather had twelve siblings; what happened to them, who are their descendants, where do they live? I have no idea.