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The first league meet of the season. The second one actually, but girls skipped Aurora, their routines weren't ready, so they only skated Style here in Lynwood. Free Dance is still not ready.
Photos only, no videos. BTW, at Lynwood I had a revelation: the problems with image quality that I have been struggling with turned out NOT to be a result of my inability to figure out the optimal set of settings. No, it was the lens. All this time it was the lens, and I couldn't even imagine that G-Master lens would be able to be that evil, so I kept looking for better settings, getting the same result again and again. And this time around I finally replaced 70-200 with 90mm prime, and got decent results despite having to use ISO 10000. Got to get rid of that lens now. Who could have thought. Here are the photos:
There is one video though, not mine and no connection to Lynwood: Isa takes a media class in her school, and one of her projects for that class was to create a commercial for something, no matter what. She made a commercial for Edea skates, and casted Annie for a part in it. Here it is:
The New Year’s Eve
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Spent the New Year's eve in Michigan with the Gliks and the Glicks. No Borises though, two of them unfortunately had health issues, and the third one stayed at home in Illinois with Stephanie. Eugene also stayed in Illinois, but all the kids who are still more or less kids were there.
Didn't do anything special. Just went for some ice skating, and girls looked really cute trying to do their skating things on ice.
It was good. Nice and warm. Hope this year will also be good for us.
OnWord Gala
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Yesterday me and Annie were Liza's guests at the American Writers Museum OnWord Gala at the Four Seasons Chicago. Liza became one of the winners of the John Estee Student Writing Competition.
Here she is talking to one of the AWM guys:
The girls in the Four Season Chicago hotel ballroom lobby:
They promised us the link to all the photos, but there is nothing yet, hence a couple of images from my phone and one rather bad video. I'll update this post if they ever come through with that promise.
UPD: got a photo (courtesy AWM):
It’s done
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All the pages and galleries are restored.
Now I just have to add pics from before 2007 - that's four years worth of photos - and the rest of the stuff from 2018 and 2019 that I failed to put on the old site.
Also coming is my family tree (with a lot of naked branches, alas) and a short text in Russian with some explanations of who is who in the old family photos.
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Sooner or later we will move out of this neighborhood. The house will become too large for us, or insane Illinois taxes will push us out to Texas, or some new job will make it necessary, but we will leave this place behind some day. When that happens, I would like to remember it like this, in full October colors.
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В субботу съездили на Navy Pier посмотреть S.O.F.A. В прошлом году мы эту выставку пропустили, в позапрошлом, кажется, тоже, не помню уже.
Там довольно заметно все поменялось. Дерева стало намного меньше, зато металла прибавилось. Что жалко, потому что из металла там практически ничего интересного не было, а специалисты по дереву раньше выставлялись весьма впечатляющие. Больше стало игр со светом, многие работы включают в себя источники света, направленные или плоские, светодиодные, которые часто играют центральную, а не вспомогательную роль. Очень много стало ювелирки, и это тоже жалко, не нашел я там, чем впечатлиться. Вообще снимать особенно не хотелось, мало было работ, которые стоило бы помнить.
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Сменил хостинг, и блогу стало нехорошо; то есть сам блог был виден, а вот панель управления - хренушки. В несколько приемов, однако, удалось это дело привести в чувство. Надо будет восстановить естественный ход событий, так что несколько записей появится задним числом.
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Fractal-based backrounds for this site: Apophysis fractal generator plus some Photoshop.
I'm slightly tempted to giclée-print a couple of those.