The first league meet of the season. The second one actually, but girls skipped Aurora, their routines weren’t ready, so they only skated Style here in Lynwood. Free Dance is still not ready.
Photos only, no videos. BTW, at Lynwood I had a revelation: the problems with image quality that I have been struggling with turned out NOT to be a result of my inability to figure out the optimal set of settings. No, it was the lens. All this time it was the lens, and I couldn’t even imagine that G-Master lens would be able to be that evil, so I kept looking for better settings, getting the same result again and again. And this time around I finally replaced 70-200 with 90mm prime, and got decent results despite having to use ISO 10000. Got to get rid of that lens now. Who could have thought. Here are the photos:
There is one video though, not mine and no connection to Lynwood: Isa takes a media class in her school, and one of her projects for that class was to create a commercial for something, no matter what. She made a commercial for Edea skates, and casted Annie for a part in it. Here it is: